King Alfred Trust

King Alfred Trust is a family of schools working together towards outstanding outcomes for all our pupilsWe work together to create a whole school community focussed on raising the aspirations of allFocus on learning and teaching, raising standards, and achieving improved outcomes for pupilsCommitted to sustainability, ensuring the longevity and growth of the Trust.
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King Alfred Trust (KAT) is a multi-academy trust set up in January 2014. 

We now have 2 Primary Schools (Pewsey & King's Gate Primary Schools) and a Nursery & Pre-School (Puddleducks in Pewsey). 

Our vision is to ensure that all schools retain their unique identity whilst benefitting from working together across the Trust. 

As a fairly recently formed and small Trust, joining together with us will give you the opportunity to be part of a really exciting time in its future development. 



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